The Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that countless individuals receive to remove unwanted body hair and reduce the overall time the spend on related maintenance. These are two of the most commonly known advantages of having laser hair removal, but before anyone opts for this procedure, it is important to know the other advantages and disadvantages it poses as well.

The most significant advantages of laser hair removal revolve around it being a precise and versatile method of hair removal that slows hair growth and is cost-effective long-term. The disadvantage of this process center on it being a costly and lengthy process (requiring multiple sessions). 

In this article, we will discuss these pros and cons in more detail while also answering commonly asked questions regarding laser hair removal.

Is it Healthy To Do Laser Hair Removal?

Nowadays, there are numerous hair removal methods people can utilize, from shaving razors to waxing to creams and more. With a multitude of renowned options at their disposal, many of these individuals are wary of trying the relatively new method of laser hair removal for health and safety purposes. 

There are minimal health risks to laser hair removal. When performed by a specialist, this procedure is oftentimes deemed safer than more commonly used alternatives that often cause unfortunate side effects, such as:

  • Ingrown hairs
  • Allergic reactions
  • Acne
  • Scarring
  • Cuts/scrapes
  • Bleeding
  • Burning

While there are some risks associated with laser hair removal, such as blistering and burning, these are a rare occurrence that almost exclusively occur when performed by an uncertified and/or inexperienced individual. There are a lot of options out there to get your hands on a laser certification course online. 

Scientifically, no major health risks or problems have been connected to laser hair removal treatments. That being said, it is often recommended that individuals who are interested in receiving this procedure meet with a dermatologist to ensure their skin will not be adversely affected.

How Permanent is Laser Hair Removal?

A common reason why many people invest in laser hair removal is because it has longer lasting effects than most alternatives. Despite it often being labeled a “permanent” form of hair removal, this is not entirely true. 

Laser hair removal works by heating the individual hair follicles to an extent that it forces them into a state of dormancy, effectively preventing new growth for a period. While this period far exceeds most alternatives (some people won’t see hair return for several months or even years at a time), routine touch ups are required. 

The frequency of these touch ups all depends on the person. After the initial four to six sessions are complete, additional treatments could be as frequent as every six weeks or as infrequent as once or twice a year. With some, some people can live hair-free for several years before a touch-up is required.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Hair Removal

There are several advantages to opting for laser hair removal over other hair removal methods, but it is important to note that this procedure also comes with several disadvantages that might not render it the optimal option for everyone.

The most significant advantages and disadvantages of laser hair removal include:

Advantages of Laser Hair RemovalDisadvantages of Laser Hair Removal
Removes hair quickly and precisely
Versatile with minimal pain
Reduces future hair growth in treated areas
Cost-effective long-term
Long-term results require multiple session
Up-front cost
Risk of blisters, burns, scars
Does not suit all skin and hair types

We have discussed each of these pros and cons in more detail below, so you can better determine whether laser hair removal is a worthwhile investment for you.

Advantage: Quick and Precise Hair Removal

Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Hair Removal - Advantages - infoThanks to modern technology, the lasers used for hair removal procedures are the most precise instruments you can use to eliminate unsightly hair. With this method, you can affect light-colored hair as little as possible, ensuring it does not grow back darker and require more maintenance.

In addition to their accuracy, these lasers make quick work of hair removal, and can usually treat a large area in under an hour. While this might seem long compared to shaving or waxing, the long-lasting effects will leave you awestruck that it was achieved so quickly. 


Advantage: Versatile With Minimal Pain

A noticeable benefit of laser hair removal is that this procedure can be performed anywhere on the body, apart from on and around the eyelid, as this risk’s exposing the individual’s eye to the laser. Another advantage people enjoy is that laser hair removal is usually pain-free or inflicts minimal pain that feels similar to the snap of a rubber band (darker, thicker hair will hurt more). While this might be more unpleasant than simply shaving, it is definitely less painful than the popular method of waxing.

Advantage: Reduces Future Hair Growth

The advantage that wins many people over is the fact that laser hair removal effectively stunts the growth of hair in treated areas. Once all sessions are complete, most won’t see hair growth in those areas for several months versus alternatives where new growth is typically noticeable after a few days to perhaps a month.

Advantage: Cost-Effective Long-Term

We’ll discuss the disadvantage of up-front cost momentarily, but once people have completed their first few sessions of laser hair removal, they typically find that this method is much more cost-effective in the long run. This is because they only have to pay for touch-ups maybe a few times a year rather than paying to be waxed once a month or constantly purchasing shaving creams and replacement razors.

Disadvantage: Requires Multiple Sessions

Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Hair Removal- Disdvantages - infoA significant obstacle people have to overcome with laser hair removal is that the first four to six sessions are crucial to stunting hair growth long-term. If these sessions are completed regularly to start, then you won’t receive the desired effects of being hair-free for months on end.

Disadvantage: Up-Front Cost

The reason why most people probably avoid laser hair removal and continue to opt for their razors and waxing strips is because those methods are much cheaper regarding immediate cost. While the cost of laser hair removal depends on several factors, such as how much hair and skin area is being treated, the cost per session without additional related expenses is $389 according to a 2020 statistic provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Disadvantage: Risk of Blisters, Burns, Scars

We touched on this disadvantage briefly in a previous section, but decided it was important to reiterate here. When performed by a professional, laser hair removal should never inflict any degree of injury or damaged on the treated individual. However, when this equipment is used incorrectly and/or by an inexperienced individual, it is not uncommon for them to experience blisters, burns, and/or scar formation

Disadvantage: Does Not Suit All Skin Types

A disadvantage that tends to be swept under the rug is the unfortunate reality that laser hair removal treatments are not for everyone. Sometimes, a person’s skin reacts adversely to the treatment, either due to sensitivity or skin color. 

Because the laser targets hair melanin, it is most effect on light-skinned individual with dark hair. Light-skinned individual with light hair might notice their skin is darker in treated areas while dark-skinned individuals might notice their skin is lighter in treated areas. Thankfully, pigmentation tend to return to normal in time.  

Final Thoughts

Overall, there are a significant number of advantages and disadvantages to laser hair removal that might render it the ideal hair removal method for you, or one to avoid. If you’re looking for a cheap method and don’t mind short-term results, then laser hair removal won’t suit your needs. However, if you’re ready to invest a bit more up-front for a method that is cost-effective long-term and has more lasting effects, then this is the ideal choice.