The 7 Best Cosmetology Schools in Texas

Hair salons and other types of salons throughout the United States of America bring in around $44 billion in revenues every year, which is turning a lot of heads, particularly amongst those that are graduating from highschool. 

While a lot of people think that working in hair salons or any other type of salon only takes self teaching, it is much bigger than that. 

Most of the professionals that you can find working in salons are graduates in Cosmetology, which is the study and the application of professional beauty treatment. The course itself includes beauty therapy and treatments for the face, hair, and body. 

If you are one of the many people that are wanting to know more about Cosmetology and which school would be the best for you if you are currently in Texas, you’ve come to the right place because in this blog, we have listed down some of the most important things that you need to know about the schools that are offering cosmetology! 

But before we start talking about the best schools, allow us to answer some of the most asked questions about cosmetology!

How long does cosmetology school take in Texas?

As of 2022, the law in Texas, USA, states that students are required to complete a minimum of around 1000 hours in an accredited beauty school in the state. This is 500 hours less than what the minimum requirements were in 2019. 

Why was it changed? Well, when the house Bill 2847 was signed by the state governor, the hours were decreased by 500 hours, which made cosmetology a direct hit in Texas.

How much does it cost for cosmetology school in Texas?

On an average, universities, colleges or any institutes that are offering cosmetology programs charge more than $13,500 USD and as of 2022, there are multiple academies that are offering cosmetology programs to students, which just makes it one of the most affordable and accessible programs in the state of Texas! 

Do Texas colleges offer cosmetology?

Yes, colleges in Texas, USA are currently offering cosmetology programs. 

Not only colleges though, universities, institutes and academies are also offering them to those that are trying to become professional make-up artists, which are also known as MUA these days on social media.

Can you get your cosmetology license online in Texas?

Yes, you can.

Please do remember that once you have passed both the written and practical exams in the cosmetology program at a registered institute, academy, college or university, you can apply for your cosmetology license via mail or via the internet. 

Note: There is a non-refundable application fee of around $50 USD and please do keep in mind that you have to be at least 17 years old in order to apply for the cosmetology license in Texas. 

What can you do after getting your cosmetology license in Texas?

Once you graduate or get your cosmetology license, there are a number of things that you can do, which includes becoming an expert in makeup, skin care, and beauty products. Most of the time, you can get a job to become a hairdresser, beautician, hair stylist, skin care specialist, nail technician and many more are a known salon in Texas, USA!

One can even go further by opening a salon, for that here is guide on Hair Salon Owner Certification Online to help you archive your goals.

The 7 Best Cosmetology Schools in Texas

1. Academy of Hair Design

One of the best and most affordable cosmetology schools in Texas, USA, is the Academy of Hair Design. On their website, they claim that they are well-equipped and staffed that can help aspirants in getting into the field of cosmetology. Right now, they are offering professional training in fields such as hairdresser, beautician, hair stylist, skin care specialist, nail technician and many more.

Tuition Cost At Academy of Hair Design-Jasper

On their official website, they said that it would cost you the following amount to get into their programs: 

Operator/Class A Barber

  • Tuition $12,500
  • Enrollment Fee $100
  • Book, Kit $1,300
  • Total $13,900


  • Tuition $7,500
  • Enrollment Fee $100
  • Book, Kit $1,300
  • Total $8,900


  • Tuition $7,125
  • Enrollment Fee $100
  • Books $500
  • Total $7,725


  • Tuition $7,125
  • Enrollment Fee $100
  • Books $1300
  • Total $8,625
Best Cosmetology Schools in Texas - Academy of Hair Design

2. Charles & Sue's School of Hair Design

The Charles & Sue’s School of Hair Design is a local cosmetology school in Bryan, Texas and is located near the College Station area. They have been in business since November 1971 and they celebrated 50 years of Charles & Sue’s in 2021, which makes them one of the oldest cosmetology schools in the state! 

Class schedule that you will be getting if you decide to go with Charles & Sue’s School of Hair Design:

  • Monday: 8:30 A.M. – 2:30 P.M.
  • Day Shift: Tuesday – Thursday 8:30 A.M. – 2:30 P.M.
  • Night Shift: Tuesday – Thursday 12:30 P.M. – 6:30 P.M.
  • Friday: 9:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
  • Saturday: 9:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Best Cosmetology Schools in Texas - Charles & Sues School of Hair Design

3. International Beauty College

The International Beauty College in Texas, USA, is one of the best schools that are offering cosmetology programs to aspirants. The best thing about them is that they have a very big area for their students, which includes a clinic floor for advanced training, manicure room with spa chairs, a separate waxing room, facial room, lash room, student lounge and separate classrooms for different types of cosmetology programs. 

Courses offered at the International Beauty College in Texas: 

  • Cosmetology
  • Esthetic
  • Nail Technology
  • Esthetic-Nail Technology
  • Eyelash Extension
  • Advance & Refresher

Eligibility Requirements for Admissions to International Beauty College: 

  • Must be at least 17 years of age or at least 18 years old for admission to Instructor program
  • Have a valid ID such as Driver’s License, State Issued ID, or Passport
  • Have a high school diploma or transcript showing graduation date OR
  • Have a valid social security number or ITIN number
Best Cosmetology Schools in Texas - International Beauty College

4. Salon Professional Academy of San Antonio

At Salon Professional Academy of San Antonio, Texas, you will be required to finish 1000 hours, which is equivalent to 31 weeks, of full training before you are eligible to apply for a cosmetology license. 

When it comes to the program that they are offering, their main goal is to refine your skills and make you creative with the help of their educators. They will also help you out in gaining business and marketing skills that can help you maximize your earning potential after you graduate. 

Full Time Cosmetology Program At Salon professional Academy Of San Antonio

Upcoming Start Dates For Cosmetology Program: 

  • Full Time: August 22, 2022
  • Full Time: October 3, 2022
  • Full Time: November 14, 2022
Best Cosmetology Schools in Texas - Salon Professional Academy of San Antonio

5. ABC Beauty Academy

If you are a student that needs financial aid, the ABC Beauty Academy is the one that you should go for if you are in Texas, USA. According to a report on their website, 90% of their students received financial aid and on an average, Students were awarded $4,772.

Programs offered at ABC Beauty Academy:

  • Cosmetology
  • Cosmetology Teacher Training
  • Esthetics
  • Nail Technology

Class Schedules For Cosmetology Operator, Esthetician, Manicure, And Instructor Programs: 

  • Cosmetology Operator: 1000 hours
    • Full Time 25 – 50 weeks; Part Time 50 – 100 weeks
  • Esthetician: 750 hours
    • Full Time 19 – 38 weeks; Part Time 38 – 76 weeks
  • Manicure: 600 hours
    • Full Time 15 – 30 weeks; Part Time 30 – 60 weeks
  •  Instructor: 750 hours
    • Full Time 19 – 38 weeks; Part Time 38 – 76 weeks
Best Cosmetology Schools in Texas - ABC Beauty Academy

6. Manuel and Theresa's School of Hair Design

The Manuel & Theresa’s School of Hair Design is accredited by The National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences,Inc (NACCAS).  Manuel and Theresa Rodriguez, the owners of this salon, are committed to offer top-quality education and environment to their cosmetology students so they can stay stress-free and motivated while achieving their dream in the field of cosmetology. 

Courses offered at the Manuel and Theresas’s School of Hair Design: 

  • Cosmetology
  • Instructor
  • Manicurist

Cosmetology Course Curriculum with the Manuel & Theresa’s School of Hair Design:

  • Full-Time: No less than 12 months
  • Part-Time: 18 months
  • Total of 1500 hours
Best Cosmetology Schools in Texas - Manuel and Theresas School of Hair Design

7. Avenue Five Institute

If you are in Austin, Texas, you want to check out Avenue Five Institute.

Right now, they are offering hands-on training and professional support for those that are planning to take on courses such as cosmetology, esthetics, massage therapy and makeup artistry. 

The best thing about them is that they are accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences, which means after you graduate from their program, you can apply for the cosmetology license so you can start working as a professional on your own! 

Courses offered at the Avenue Five Institute: 

  • Cosmetology
  • Esthetics
  • Massage Therapy
  • Makeup Artistry

Are you planning to attend any cosmetology schools in Texas? Let us know what your plans are by leaving a comment in the comments section below! 

Best Cosmetology Schools in Texas - Avenue Five Institute