3 Remedies for Getting Rid of a Rash on Your Bikini Line

The plight of a female is a difficult one.  As if carrying, delivering, and raising the youth of tomorrow is not difficult enough, we are also often faced with one of the most uncomfortable, unsightly problems to befall a human body that is simply searching for improved aesthetics: bikini rash.

While bikini rash is both painful to feel and look at, there are remedies available to help rid your super-sensitive area of this unwelcomed invader both quickly and effectively, bringing your body back to normal in no time.

Also, knowing what causes your bikini line to break out in a rash can help you to prevent it from being a regular, painful occurrence when the only sin you committed against the area was to try to prevent it from looking like an abandoned lawn.

What Causes Bikini Line Irritation?

Bikini line irritation, commonly referred to as razor burn, is something that most people who shave that particular area face since it tends to be extremely sensitive.

Several factors can either occur independently or in conjunction with one another that cause this pain in the groin.  Some things that can cause bikini line irritation include:

  • The hair that you are attempting to remove from your body in this area is very coarse. By jumping directly into shaving the hair from your bikini line, you are asking for trouble.  It is recommended to soak the area for a few minutes before you begin the shaving process, and it will soften up the hair and skin and better prepare it for what is coming its way.
  • The course nature of the hair removed is usually a more common issue with those who have extra sensitive skin.
  • The lack of a proper cream or lubricant allowing the razor to glide easier across your skin.
  • Using an old razor or a razor that was not mean for shaving the bikini line.
  • Shaving against the natural grain of your hair.
  • Using an old razor or one that is clogged with hair and removal products.
  • Shaving the area too quickly or shaving over that same area too much.
  • Pulling your skin taught.
  • Using products that you are allergic to or that might irritate your skin as a shaving lubricant.

Doing your best to prevent any or all of these occurrences as you shave your bikini line will save you undue suffering and a necessary healing period for your bikini line skin to get back to normal. But if you need help check out how you can get rid of a rash on your bikini line in that article!

How Long Does Bikini Line Rash Last?

To accurately answer this question, we first need to make a distinction. We need to understand the difference between razor BURN and razor BUMPS, and then the answer becomes a bit easier to explain.

It’s different when Laser is involved. You don’t get the razor burns and bumps from regularly going back with the razor. But there are advantages and disadvantages of laser hair removal. And you can learn all about it in that article!

Razor BURN is the irritation to the area caused by the shaving no-nos we mentioned previously.  Left untreated, razor burn usually will clear up overnight, or worst case, in a day or so.  If you treat the area properly, it can even clear up within just a couple of hours.

Razor BUMPS are another pain that many deals with concerning shaving the bikini line area.  Razor bumps are caused by the hair on your legs growing back in the wrong way.  Sometimes it takes a day or so for these bumps to even appear, and when they do, they are often very painful, and they can cause sores that can result in scarring.

In severe cases, razor bumps can take up to two weeks to go away.  If they become infected, you might even need to seek professional medical attention for them to go away.

The ultimate answer to how long to expect these ailments to plague your skin will also depend on your skin’s level of sensitivity—the more sensitive your skin, the longer that the rash is apt to hang around.

How Do You Get Rid of a Rash on Your Bikini Line?

As with the majority of minor irritations on your skin caused by your own hand, there are things that you can do to get rid of the rash that arrived on your bikini line.  Some of the things that are within our power to rid your body of bikini line burn briskly include:

  • Using a cool compress on the area. That will help to soothe and calm your skin, promoting the end of the dreaded rash, and it can also help prevent bumps in the future.
  • Soaking in a warm bath can help to open your pores up, which will cause the swelling of your pores to be reduced. Just make sure that the water is not too hot, as this can have the adverse effect that you are trying to achieve.
  • After getting out of the shower, make sure that you wear loose-fitting cotton clothes that will allow your skin to breathe. This will help to cut down on your skin’s irritation.
  • Use natural remedies that you probably have readily available to you already.
    • An oatmeal bath will help to reduce the swelling in the area.
    • Using coconut oil on the affected area will help to soothe your irritated skin.
  • Use aloe vera gel on the area. It works wonders with burnt irritated skin.  You can either use store-bought gel as you would use on a sunburn, or, if you happen to have an actual aloe plant, then break off a branch, squeeze some of the natural gel directly onto your hands, and then gently massage it into the affected area. Get your Aloe Vera Gel from Amazon here!
  • Witch Hazel will help remove dead skin cells from your skin, which will aid in your rash receding faster.
  • Warm green tea bags can be rubbed on the area, reducing swelling and readiness associated with razor burn.
  • If you opt to apply lotions of skin creams to this area, make sure that your pores are as closed as possible and that they are free of any irritants such as fragrances or alcohol, as ingredients such as that will further irritate the skin.
  • If your rash is to the point where you must seek medical attention, the physician will likely prescribe a steroid cream that will reduce the swelling and redness.

So, if the damage has already been done to your skin, and you have full-blown razor burn and are possibly well on your way to razor bumps, then it is good to know that there are things that you can do to reduce the pain and swelling and hopefully keep the bumps at bay. Check out Aesthetic Laser 101: costs, uses and more, to start using laser on your body to prevent bumps and any other damage on your skin.

Three Remedies for Getting Rid of a Rash on Your Bikini Line.

While we have already discussed several things that can be done to get rid of razor burn that is all very simple and quite effective, three other treatments are great for getting rid of that retched rash and will leave you feeling pampered despite your recent trauma.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar and Black Tea: A Winning Combination

Both apple cider vinegar (buy apple cider vinegar from amazon) and black tea are knowing for their powers to fight the inflamed.  They are tough to beat when they work together against razor rash unless you have very sensitive skin.

The first thing you’ll need to do is mix equal parts vinegar and water, dip a cotton ball or small rag into the solution, apply to the skin, and then allow it to air dry. This step will hopefully prevent your skin from swelling any further than it already has.

Before putting the vinegar/water mixture onto your affected area, soak a black tea bag in hot water, then transfer it to the freezer.  With the vinegar solution dried on your skin, take the cold teabag and massage the irritated area.  This can be done multiple times a day, if necessary. Get Black Tea Bags from Amazon here!

Again, as with the vinegar, the black tea will serve to keep your skin from being so irritated and swollen; hopefully, if all of these criteria are followed, your skin will not only end up rash-free, but you will also end up bumpless.

2. Tea Tree and Olive Oil Amalgamation

Another great mixture that can work wonders on your rash is tea tree and olive oil.  Tea tree oil is known for working wonders because it offers your skin anti-inflammatory properties, antibacterial attributes, and antiseptic traits. Get your Tea Tree Oil from Amazon here!  All of these things are great for reducing that dreaded rash.

And when combined with fatty olive oil that will help smooth the skin, the pair is sure to satisfy your irritated skin, become calm, and return to normal in no time.

Mix one tablespoon of olive oil with five drops of tea tree oil, use a cotton ball or rag to apply to the affected area, leave for about 15 minutes, and then rinse.  You should notice a difference in the way your skin feels right away.

Buy Happy Belly Extra Virgin Olive Oil on Amazon.

3. Cucumber Milk Makes a Difference

Cucumbers are well known to be cool, and that’s not just a fun saying: they really do help cool down irritated skin.  A lesser-known fact about them is that they contain Vitamin C, which works wonders in skin restoration. Mixing that up with fatty milk can miraculously make your skin’s irritation from razor rash recede.

Blend a cucumber and ¼ cup of milk to make a paste, put it in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes, and apply to the rash.  After allowing it to stay for 10-15 minutes, rinse the mixture from your body and reveille in the fact that milk will do your body good.

And if you want a premade mixture you can fin ‘Yes To Cucumbers Gentle Milk Cleanser’ on Amazon!

Can We Say Goodbye to Bikini Area Rash Forever?

While, for most of us, refusing to shave our bikini area ever again is probably not feasible.  Because shaving that sensitive area of our body comes along with the hazards of developing uncomfortable, unsightly rashes that can turn into bumps that can end up scaring us forever, it becomes a necessary evil that we would love to do without.

While not shaving that area at all is the only way to prevent bikini area rash completely, there are steps that you can take before and during the process that will reduce the likelihood that you will fall victim to its red, angry wrath.

In addition to taking preventative measures against bikini area rash, some remedies can bring your pain and suffering time to a minimum if you end up irritating the area anyway.

Knowing there are things you can do that will bring your bikini area rash time to a minimum and hopefully prevent razor bumps altogether, you can shave that sensitive area with much more confidence than you have in the past.

Avoid any damage to your skin by learning the Dos and Dont’s After A Facial Laser Treatment.