Heat Protectant Cream vs. Spray: Pros & Cons

When styling your hair, protecting it against heat is critical to make sure you are not damaging your strands. You should place this product over your hair before any heat is applied to keep it safe. Of course, there are a ton of different types of protectants on the market. Two of the best are heat protectant cream and spray. It can be hard to decide which one is right for you.

There are two types of heat protectants meant for hair: spray and cream. They both work, although some may work better for others since hair texture is so different. A few of the pros and cons of each include:

PROSEasy to useProvides thick protection
CONSCan dry out the hairCan cause build-up

Read on to learn more about the differences between heat protectant sprays and heat protectant creams. Both of them defend your hair from heat, but they are not the same product by any means. Ensure that you know which one will work best for you before spending all your money on a product.

What is Heat Protectant Cream?

Before we can go into the pros and cons of each product, we should define each of them. First, we will talk about heat protection cream.

Heat protectant cream is the more heavy-duty version of protection that comes in a thickness, not unlike body lotion. You rub it over your hair, whether wet or dry, to protect it from damage that might occur in styling with an iron or dryer.

Some examples of heat protectant cream you can invest in on Amazon include:

All of these are great brands if you want to give this product a shot for an affordable price.

Like all hair products, there are good and bad things that could happen when using this product. We will go over these to give you an understanding of what you are getting yourself into. Knowing the good and the bad of a product will assist you in making informed decisions for your hair.

What is Heat Protectant Spray?

The other popular defensive product is heat protectant spray.

The spray version of the product is just like the cream, but it comes in the form of a liquid. Rather than rubbing it onto your hair, you spray it out of a bottle onto wet or dry hair. You then use your hands to ensure that the product is evenly dispersed across your hair to protect every strand you can.

Some examples of heat protectant spray you can buy on Amazon include:

All of these are excellent options if you want to try this product for an affordable price.

As with the cream, there are good and bad that come with the use of the products. We will go over each of these so you can get a complete idea of the results that can come from utilizing heat protectant spray. It is vital to know the good and the bad about a product so you can decide if it is worth the risk for your head.

Is Heat Protection Spray Necessary?

Looking at these products, you might wonder if heat protection spray is necessary. The short answer is no, but if you want to keep your hair looking pristine, it is best to utilize this item when applying heat to your strands. Like the lotion, it is not required. However, it will make your hair look and feel much better after exposing it to heat.

There is a lot that this product accomplishes when properly used on the head. Heat protectant works to:

  • Keep split ends and other breakages at bay for as long as possible
  • Prevent burning of the hair, whether on the end or across the strands
  • Hydrate your locks and keep them from getting frizzy and dry

Heat protectant can help with all of these items, and even more if you are consistent enough.

So, while it is not necessary, it is highly recommended. If you only use heat every once in a while, you will be able to get away with avoiding heat protectants. However, if you are someone who constantly styles, a heat protectant should become your best friend. You could try and see the difference in curling short hair without heat fast. It is your best weapon against heat damage to your locks.

Heat Protectant Cream vs Spray - Is Heat Protection Spray Necessary

Heat Protection Cream vs. Spray: Pros & Cons

Next, we will dive into a few of the pros and cons that come with the use of heat protection products. As with any beauty item, there are goods and bad to each. Heat protectant sprays have their pros and cons, while heat protectant creams have their own set. Learning about each will assist you in making a well-informed decision on behalf of your hair.

When reading the good and bad of these products, keep in mind:

  • Different hair types might react differently to each type of protectant
  • Thin hair and thick hair might do better with different protectants

No head of hair is the same. Keep this in mind as you read the pros and cons of both formats of protectant spray. Thin, thick, curly, and straight hair might do well with varying forms of protection when heat is added to the mix.

Once you have read about the good and the bad, you can determine which product is best suited to give your scalp the defense it needs. Both products do the same thing, but it is up to you to decide which one will provide the best possible results.

Pro – The spray is Easy to Use

Heat Protectant Cream vs. Spray - pros - info

The best thing about heat protectant spray is that it is easy to use. All liquids come in a bottle with a nozzle that allows you to spritz your hair with the concoction. You can reach every spot on your scalp and use your hands to ensure that everything is rubbed into your hair. A spray bottle makes it easy.

This ease of use means:

  • You can shorten the time it takes to get ready
  • You can ensure everything is covered
  • You can avoid getting protectant all over your hands

All of these come with the ease-of-use heat protectant spray provides.

Sprays also tend to be cheaper, as it is a liquid rather than a thick cream material. Some brands even offer refills that you can pour into a reusable bottle. The spray is simple to use and easy to get coverage over your entire head. You should think about this one if you want a quick way to defend your hair.

Pro – Cream Provides Thick Protection

On the other hand, heat protectant cream offers thick protection that heat protectant spray does not. You can get solid, impenetrable coverage with cream that is more effective than a spray. It might be more of a pain to apply, but you can ensure your hair is getting what it needs.

Heat protectant cream offers:

  • Conditioning while protecting
  • Thick and guaranteed defense

These come with the use of heat protectant cream on hair, rather than the spray variety.

Heat protectant cream can be more expensive than the spray, but it provides a level of conditioning and defense that the spray does not. Quality versus ease of use is often the question that arises when debating between these two products for hair defense. This question is vital for you to consider when deciding which one is right for you to buy.

Heat Protectant Cream vs Spray - pro - Cream Provides Thick Protection

Con – Spray Can Dry Out Hair

Heat Protectant Cream vs. Spray - cons - info

The biggest issue with heat protectant spray is that it can dry out hair. Since this item does not offer complete coverage, it only works as a half-defense against heat. Repeated use of heat on your hair will, over time, dry out your hair. Since spray offers no conditioning benefits, it will not help nourish and replenish the moisture taken out.

Many things can happen if your hair loses too much moisture. Dry hair can result in:

  • Split ends that get worse as time goes on
  • Frizzy hair that does not go away
  • Broken strands of hair that fall off

All of these might result if your hair gets dried out, along with other potential items.

Nobody wants damaged hair as a result of the use of heat. Heat protectant spray works best if you only use heat on your har every once in a while. This way, your head will have time to gather hydration before it is subjected to extreme temperatures again. Those who use constant heat should consider this before deciding on spray as the best course of action.

Con – Cream Can Cause Build-Up

Heat protectant cream is thick and nourishing, meaning it provides better protection and more hydration than the spray does. This benefit is why cream costs more. However, there are a few negative things associated with the heat protectant cream. Too much over a long period can cause build-up on the hair, which is not ideal for many reasons.

A build-up of heat protectant cream on an individual’s hair means:

  • The hair could adopt a greasy, dirty look that does not go away
  • It can be hard to style the hair thanks to the cream
  • Hair may become more oily and harder to deal with

All of these can result from using heat protectant cream if you use it time after time again and do not do a great job of washing it out.

If you have thin hair that already tends to be oily, heat protectant cream is probably not for you. If you have thick and dry hair, the cream will be an excellent match for your type. Make sure you consider what your hair is like before you decide between the cream and the spray for heat protection in your routine.


Protecting your hair when applying heat to the strands is something that many people forget to do. There are many heat protectant products available on the market. Two of the most popular forms are sprays and creams, both excellent products that are individual and unique in their ways. They stand out from each other significantly when looking at qualities. There is always the option to apply one of the best heat protectant oils for hair instead of a cream or spray protectant.

If you want to protect your hair, picking one of these is a great idea. Consider the good and the bad to determine which one is the best for you and your hair. The more action you take now to defend your strands, the better your hair will look in the future. Try to protect your hair with one of these products for the best results.

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