5 Tips to Help you Decide What Clothes to Keep and What to Give Away

Have you ever been embarrassed by the hoard of clothing oozing from your closet, packed so tight that you cannot close the door? You should get some tips on how to decide what clothes to keep and what needs to go. Many people have a disorganized closet, and you are not alone.

To decide what clothes you keep and what to give away is a complicated matter. You must ask yourself, do your clothes make you feel good, and do they fit well? It also helps to look for clothing that you have not worn for a year or two. You could make extra cash if you sell some items.

Choosing clothing to get rid of is a daunting task. Sometimes, it is like throwing your memories out the window or parting with a friend.  Read on, and you will get some good tips on overcoming the obstacle of that pile of clothing keeping you from seeing the back of your closet.

One of The Hardest Decisions: What to Keep and What to Give Away

We live in a time when purchasing is easy by simply running a piece of plastic through a machine. Because of this ease of purchase, we may buy what we do not need, and impulse buying clothing makes you feel great at the transaction time.

When we are free to buy now, pay later, we will take the opportunity to purchase clothing on impulse. We buy, stuff it in the closet, and do not think about it until it is time to declutter.  Now face the task of getting rid of the clothing that felt good then but not so much now.

The most challenging choices you can make when getting rid of clothing are what you can keep and what you should clear out or give away. Decluttering is never an easy task because some may think of it as clutter, which you believe to be your personal treasures.

Separation from clothing does have a psychological impact. You look at your clothing and become nostalgic for sentimental reasons. You have the security of knowing if you keep this, you may be able to use it again someday. The beginning is difficult, but as you progress, you will feel better.

Tidying up instills mental health because excessive visual stimulation can lead to stress. Mostly, seeing the cluttered closet tells your brain that you have unfinished work to do. This lack of closure causes anxiety and guilt.

If you begin with your closet, a very personal space, the rest will be cake. You must understand that have a cluttered closet does not make you a messy person, just a disorganized one. Once you take the plunge and make the decision, you will have a neat, uncluttered closet. 

To help you with this difficult decision and to decide what to keep and what to give away. Here are a few suggestions. Give them a try:

  • Take everything out of the closet
  • Take everything out of your dresser
  • Put everything on the bed or the floor

Once you get your pile, stay organized and make three piles:

Get rid of pile – This pile will have clothing that is ruined and is not wearable.  The clothes in this pile are space wasters, so throw them away. Start with the obvious for the get rid of pile:

  • Ripped clothing
  • Worn and frayed clothing
  • Stained clothing
  • Out of date clothing

Maybe pile – This pile is for clothing you are unsure about and need time to think about. Do not return it to the closet; just neatly pack it in a tote and look at it again in about six months. For the maybe pile:

  • Get a tote box
  • Pack the maybe neatly
  • Come back to it in six months
  • Take a good look at the clothing in the box

What to do with the maybe box

  • Did you miss the items?
  • If not, you do not need the clothes
  • Donate the clothes so someone can enjoy them

Keep pile – This is the clothing that you wear, is comfortable, and makes you happy when you wear it.  Hang in your closet and enjoy until next time you are ready to purge.

If you want to keep it, try it on and give it away if:

  • It is outdated
  • It is too big or small
  • If you question the way you feel wearing it

Ask yourself this

  • When did I wear this last?
  • Has it been over six months?
  • Does it make you happy?

Sometimes you just cannot let go of that special outfit

  • Make a memento box
  • Fill with clothing you cannot part with
  • Make it for keepsakes like a unique scarf
  • Do not overfill

If you take some time and follow the suggestions, your closet will be neat, orderly, and filled with clothing and items you will use and feel good about. Follow these 10 tips to dress like the 80s with normal clothes to keep some useful pieces for your next dress-up night or Halloween celebration!

How do You Decide What Clothes to Keep and What to Give Away?

When it comes to determining what clothes you should keep and what to give away, you need to take an honest look into your closet. You should separate pieces that you wear all the time and love from all the other stuff. Consider getting rid of:

  • Multiple pieces of clothing – You may have the same shirt or skirt in many different colors, which is fine if you wear all of them. However, if you purchased any colors of pieces just because you liked the shirt specifically but you don’t like the color, you should give those pieces away.
  • Pieces you have never worn, and never will – This could be pieces you bought when you were thinner or bigger. You may have lost or gained weight. It could be that you bought these pieces all from the same store because it’s where you usually shop, and you are comfortable with that particular designer or brand. It could have been an impulse purchase that you bought because the piece was “different.” Saying the piece is different could mean anything from a style you liked that is no longer current to something you bought at a discount.
  • Bad outfits and bad choices – You may still have a few pieces of clothes that you once loved but now hate. It could be something you wore back when you were 18, and now you are 30. It could be something you bought because it was trendy, but now everyone agrees that the trend should have never come out in the stores.
  • Stuff that no longer fits – This needs a second mention because many people keep clothes because they think someday they will be that size again, or maybe they will gain weight and keep those baggy sweatpants just in case. It is important to acknowledge changes in your body and purchase clothes accordingly.
  • Anything that may be damaged or is too worn to keep – You could have clothes that you wore over and over again that no longer hold up, and the material is wearing on them. You may be someone who snags their sweaters all the time, or you have maybe stretched out a few of your favorite tank tops. In any of these cases, the pieces need to be removed to make room for new favorite pieces to wear repeatedly.
  • Pieces that aren’t age-appropriate– One of the difficult realities to accept is that we do get older. Therefore something you wore when you were 30 will not look the same as when you are 50, no matter your size.
  • Gifts that you did not have the heart to regift or give away – Sometimes people think they know your style, but they end up giving you something that does not jive with your wardrobe at all. In this situation, you are not obliged to tell someone that you got rid of their gift. You also should not keep it just in case they happen to pop in.
  • Old work clothes that you no longer wear – You may have had a different kind of job back when you wore these clothes that you no longer have, or maybe you work from home now and do not necessitate such a conservative wardrobe. This change could also include any clothes with a store logo on them or a type of uniform you had to wear but you secretly hated. In this case, free yourself from that obligation and go shopping!

If you have a red dress and you haven’t worn it because you don’t know how, check out the best makeup to wear with a red dress or tips on what to wear to a 70s party to get some ideas.

Cleaning out your closet and disposing of any clothes can be a daunting task. However, it is worth the effort if your goal is to be more organized and keep what is necessary and current. Watch out for things like pieces you have never worn, damaged clothing, or multiple pieces of clothing.

5 Tips to help you decide what clothes to keep and what to give away?

We all have something that we have difficulty parting with. Many people struggle with getting rid of clothing that they no longer wear. It could be that you have not yet worn an item and probably never will. The thing could have sentimental value, and you want to keep it.

Perhaps some trendy fashion statement does not work for you; however, you spent your money and did not want to throw it away. Whatever the case may be, you must purge, and here are five tips to help you determine what to keep or give away.

what clothes to keep and what to give away - info

The Hanger Trick

Turn all the hangers in the closet the wrong way. If you wear a piece of clothing, wash it, then hang it back up again. If this occurs, you will hang the hanger in the right direction. If a few months have passed, you will give these pieces of clothes away if there are still backward hangers.

Pay Attention to What You Regularly Wear

Pay attention to what you wear a lot as opposed to rarely or not often. Ask yourself if the particular piece of clothing is relevant and useable in your life. If you come across articles that you have only worn once, let them go

Make Specific Time

Set aside a special time, such as a weekend, in which you will clean out your closet. It would be best if you were in a no-nonsense frame of mind. You do not want to be too emotional about cleaning your closet. It can be easy to take a trip down memory and become distracted. You need to be able to focus

Test Yourself

Check each item of clothing before you keep it. Ask yourself the essential questions. Does it look good on you, and is it damaged? Does it really fit into your wardrobe? When did you wear it last? And If it has been over six months, get rid of it.

Organize Twice a Year Seasonally

You should do it in the fall and spring to prepare for winter and summer, respectively. This practice will make purging easier for you to choose what clothes to keep and what to discard. The initial time is always the most difficult. As you continue to do this, it will get easier each time.


Decluttering can be a difficult and emotional task. However, it does not have to be. You can easily determine what to keep and what to give away if you focus on the goal: to have a clean and organized closet. Just be sure not to get too sentimental about it.

It is never a bad idea to add some new stuff to your closet. Check out some top Amazon prime clothing brands!