10 Fun Ideas to Caption Your Bikini Pic on Instagram

Summer is right around the corner, and we all know what that means. Time to get out and enjoy the sun! Break out that bikini and prime the camera for the perfect selfie, it’s going to be a warm one.

With the bikinis coming out, there’s also the need for some good captions to go along with them. Read on to get some ideas for those fabulous bikini pics while working on that bikini bod this summer.

What is a Bikini Line?

The bikini line got its name from the skin and hair that shows around a bikini bottom. Cleaning up the bikini line usually means shaving or waxing any hair that can be seen over and around the bikini bottom for a clean, smooth look. Not having this covered or cleaned up tends to be seen as unsightly and potentially even inappropriate. 

The bikini area is also commonly known as the region where all of the hair down there grows. It’s a more polite and appropriate term to refer to that region than some other ways it can be referred to.

How Important is it to Get the Right Caption for Your Bikini Pic?

Captions can make or break a post. Unless the point is to get turned into a meme, it will probably hurt to get made fun of. The point of sharing pictures on social media is for the likes after all! A great caption can take even a subpar photo to a viral trend worthy of an influencer. Above all else though, a great caption helps to express emotions surrounding the pic so they should do their best to shine.

What Should I Consider Before I Caption My Bikini Pic on Instagram?

There are quite a few things to consider before posting any pic on any sort of social media, Instagram included. It doesn’t matter what the subject matter is or what beach style and bikini you are wearing. However, a bikini pic might have a few extra considerations to take into account.

Here are some of those considerations:

  • Is everyone shown in the photo okay with having their picture posted on the internet?
  • Are all body parts appropriately covered?
  • Is there anything in it that could be considered offensive?
  • Has the pose strayed too far into inappropriate?
  • Is it something that would be embarrassing for family, friends, or coworkers to see?
  • Was any of it taken while under an altered state of mind?
  • Does any part of the picture or the caption break any of Instagram’s Terms of Service?
  • Is the picture something that makes you happy?
  • Has any information been revealed that shouldn’t be?

For the most part, it’s important to have fun when using social media. However, it’s also critical to partake in safe internet practices. The last thing anyone wants is for things to go south over a cute bikini pic.

10 Fun Ideas to Caption Your Bikini Pic on Instagram

There are thousands of fun ideas out there for captioning a bikini pic on Instagram, and potentially even more that can be cleverly crafted out of the blue. However, sometimes finding inspiration is hard! Good thing there’s lists out there to lean into.

Caption Your Bikini Pic on Instagram - info

1. Mermaid Day Off

Most ladies who love the beach, swimming, and bikinis also love mermaids. Not to mention, it’s also likely that a day off was taken in order to get to this pic in the first place, so might as well lean into it!

2. Life’s too Short to Wear Boring Bikinis

Got a new, fabulous bikini? Make it the star of the show by blending in the common phrase “life’s too short” with some top-tier alliteration.

3. The Tans Will Fade but the Memories Will Last Forever

Sometimes the point of wearing a bikini during your tan is to get the best tan possible.

They cover so little, so they’re perfect for it. If the pic was taken during a special time, vacation, or just when there were some good memories happening, this could be a really sweet caption.

4. BRB, Quitting Everything to Be a Mermaid

This is a sillier option out there, especially if this is a new experience or others know its vacation time. It works best with a pic that is clearly fun with a good beachy backdrop.

5. Suns Out, Buns Out!

A great option for someone who regularly is on the beach, and/or someone who is rocking a mini bikini. It also has a little bit of fun with the “suns out, guns out” that the more muscular folks out there are going to be posting.

6. Resting Beach Face

Ever been a victim of that resting face that looks like someone is angry? Perhaps everyone else is the victim of that face. Take that and have a little fun with it, while also alluding to the relaxation being had on the beach.

7. How to Have a Bikini Body: 1 – Have a Body, 2 – Put a Bikini on It.

Chances are, Instagram is going to be flooded with ladies in bikinis with the perfect body, worthy of jealousy. However, not everyone has that perfect body. That shouldn’t stop them from wearing a bikini if they want to and feel good in it. Rock that bikini and ace the caption at once with some solid confidence!

8. The Poolside is My Best Side

Bikinis don’t have to be worn just on the beach. Not everyone has access to that luxury, and not everyone likes it. Pools are totally acceptable places to wear them too, so for a good poolside bikini pic, show off that best side with pride.

9. Tropic Like It’s Hot

A fan of music? Make a fun, summery, beachy pun with this one. It works great if the picture is actually being taken on a warm, tropical day. Say, on an island in the Caribbean on vacation.

10. Don’t Ignore Your Own Beauty

Everyone likes positive pics. Even if struggling with some self-esteem, boost that with a bikini pic and a positive caption that might also extend that positivity to someone else. 


Summer is coming, and with that the bikini pics are going to start rolling out on social media. Get some good captions put away so that when the time comes, the perfect one is at the ready. Just remember to be careful and have fun, nobody wants their good memories marred by embarrassment.